Verification and Certification
Verification processes can be complicated and the costs can be prohibitive. We have simplified the verification process for applicants and verifiers through the use of our proprietary IT-based system.
We make sure the journey towards your Net Zero goals is consistent and auditable.​ This automation increases the efficiency of an often complex process and ensures it can be repeated for each reporting cycle.
There are several reasons why your company may need require independent third-party verification:
Compliance with the Australian Government’s Climate Active program, or international certification programs
Supply chain pressure or tender requirements
To develop an emissions reduction plan or a strategy to achieve Net Zero targets.
Verification is required to achieve certification under the Australian Government's Climate Active initiative.

GHG Inventory verification and certification
We conduct reasonable assurance audits & verification of GHG inventory reports against international standards including:
ISO 14064-3:2018 Greenhouse Gases
Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard
NGERS (National Greenhouse Gas and Energy Reporting Scheme)
Life Cycle Analysis
We conduct independent verification of LCA reports against international standards including:
ISO 14040:2006 & ISO 14044:2006 Environmental management – Life cycle assessment
Greenhouse Gas Protocol Product Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard.
Energy Management Systems
We verify Energy Efficiency reports and Monitoring systems Audits against international standard including:
ISO 50001 – Energy Management
ISO 50015:2104 - Energy management systems